

ICLA launched Embark to support people with a psychosocial disability who are currently experiencing or are at risk of homelessness to access the NDIS.

Quick links

How it works

Explaining and assessing eligibility for the NDIS

Gathering supporting evidence for an NDIS Access Request Form

Facilitating appointments with GPs and other services to help get evidence for an NDIS Access Request Form

Completing and submitting an NDIS Access Request Form

Preparing for and providing support during an NDIS First Plan Meeting

Obtaining an NDIS plan

Getting NDIS Supports in place

Embark will be offered to people located and linked with services in the Sydney Metropolitan area.

Who’s eligible?

People who are located and linked with services in the Sydney Metropolitan area and have a mental health condition and are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Aged between 18 and 65.

Living in Australia and be an Australian citizen or have a Permanent or Special Category Visa.

Make a referral

Please download a copy of our Embark Consent Agreement Form here. You must include a copy of the form signed by the participant in the referral.


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